[Mar 22, 2013] The Polka-Dot Squad's Weekly Gamenight! (Temporal Enigma)

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Jan 9, 2013
The Gamenight will run until we want to stop. The length usually varies anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours.
*Make sure you are in game-chat*
I mostly play minigames and Flood, but I am more than happy to play Competitive, Race, Dominion, or any other gametypes you would like to play. Leave a comment to this post with maps/types of maps that you would like to play.
If you want me to play your map (no promises), put it and its corresponding gametype (if there is one) on your fileshare. Then send me a message with the name of the map and gametype. If I begin to run out of new maps to play (or I just feel like it) I will play it. If i really like it, I will make a video of it!
The Gamenight will be livestreamed to Twitch.TV. If you cant make it, go there and watch our stream (ThePolkaDotSquad) or go to this page during gamenight hours. The stream is embedded in this page! By watching us, you can view what types of games we play and you can also know when to send me a message when a spot opens up.
The Lobby is always "Open" so just jump in, and don't forget to invite your friends!
Send me a message if you want to join!
*Don't forget to RSVP so that you can rate us after the gamenight. We are going for GOLD! If you don't know how to rate people, go to this link *--->
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