Introduction Looking to get back into the community


Jun 13, 2014
UT, United States
Hello there, my name is Sebastion.

A Quickie About Me: I enjoy almost all forms of music | I've been playing Halo since late H2 | I am really into Competitive eSports and hope to compete someday | As a Utah local, I want to found an Organization alongside the Hive Gaming League that is starting up soon.

I managed to find my way over here after watching a video by The Halo Forge Epidemic today. I was looking for some suggestions for good Halo 4 maps & game types to download when I found their channel. Suffice to say it looked really fun and the about page directed me here. I'm hoping to get involved with the community again, as I haven't really contributed since early Halo: Reach. I used to frequent Forge Hub and Halo Tracks but the communities seemed to be all but extinct now.

With the announcement of the Halo Anniversary Collection, I've noticed stirrings however and it appears that slowly people are getting back into their former groups. MLG has opened up their GB brackets to H3 again, and Forgers are preparing their abilities to rebuild what once was on the xOne.

It goes without saying that I would really like to be a part of that. Cheers, I'll see you around!