Introduction Looking for halo 3 custom games, I have a few people that come along with me to populate a session

xConan xX

Mar 28, 2015
hey im new here just looking for custom game lobby's to have some fun on like the old halo 3 days, I have a couple of friends that will come along with me if we find a game. Please let me no if their is any about and need people to join them, whether it's on halo 3 MCC or even Xbox 360 halo 3. MY GT IS: xConan xX


Mar 27, 2015
hey im new here just looking for custom game lobby's to have some fun on like the old halo 3 days, I have a couple of friends that will come along with me if we find a game. Please let me no if their is any about and need people to join them, whether it's on halo 3 MCC or even Xbox 360 halo 3. MY GT IS: xConan xX
I'd be totally down to play some Halo 3 customs with you on the 360, the more the merrier! I'll let you know if I host a lobby.