Introduction Long Time Listener First Time Caller


Aug 8, 2015
Hey, been playing Halo since the original came out on the Xbox, system links, 8 v 8 CTF pro, Blood Gultch, Rockets.... You all know the rest of it.

Favorite Halo maps in order Lockout, Blood Gultch, Exile, Ivory Tower, and Pitfall

Halo 4 >2>1>3

I enjoy playing competitive Halo 4 and Halo 2/2A Matchmaking along with CTF.

I'm also a closet forger, I have my own maps, but rarely have any that I play consistently with others in custom games, but mainly because I spend most of my time in Matchmaking.

I have my own version of Crossfire for Halo 4 that seems to be almost perfect. I'd give it a 90% of a replica.

See you all out there.