
Jan 25, 2013

Tonight, the first Halo 4 Grifball Championship will be decided! The final two teams in the National Grifball Association's playoff bracket are Greatest Hits (#3 Seed) captained by Crusader0102, and Turquoise Jeep (#13 Seed) captained by Ezy08. It will be a best of three game series, and will begin at 10pm Eastern.

Greatest Hits completed the season with a flawless 10-0 record (6 games played), showing clear dominance and only allowing 5 regular season goals. In the playoffs, they easily defeated division rivals Goldfish and Nail Polish in two games, allowing only one goal. Next came a tight series with The Black List, where Greatest Hits faced its greatest challenge so far, narrowly winning 5-4 in two games. Finally in the semi-finals, they faced Vendetta, winning 6-3 and 7-2 in decisive fashion. With a squad consisting of halfbreed105, Major Silva, Priest XYZ, Rage More Nerd, Shadow S16 and Tad Neptune, this team is certainly not short on experience, tanking power, and colorful personalities.

Our second contender for the championship, Turquoise Jeep, finished the season 9-1, falling once to GentINC. They proved their toughness in their two games against The Black List, winning both matchups 5-4. In the playoffs, they first faced off against The Fatal Four, winning 8-1 and 5-4. Next they faced The New York Pineapples, completely dominating and winning both games 8-1. Finally, they went through a nailbiter in the semifinals, narrowly taking the spot in the Championship from A Righteous Kill, winning game one 8-1, losing game two 5-4, and coming back to win on the last plant in game three's 5-4. Turquoise Jeep comes ready to battle Greatest Hits, with their roster of DennymacpotV2, Fanciest Pants, Griff50, ixGingy, Killerz Legit, NOPLEX, and OVERweightGOAT, another mix of veteran players, strong hammers, and once again, colorful personalities.

One thing is for sure about tonight's matchup - it will be epic! At the end of the night, one of these two teams will walk away with the distinction of holding the first title in Halo 4 Grifball. Make sure to watch the stream at Grifball.net and at http://twitch.tv/ngagrifball. We'll be live by 10 streaming an intense matchup and we'll be having a lot of fun as well! Hope to see you there!