Halo Lingo & what you hate what other players do


starting it off with
Double Teamed: a situation when the odds are against you because it's 2v1
Noob Combo: using the plasma to take down your opponents shield then switch weapons to a precision weapon.
I hate when a player lures you into a building and boltshots you from the corner


Kill-Steal Guru
Dec 30, 2012
I hate people who pull a switch-a-roo. A switch-a-roo (in my definition) is when you are shooting at someone and almost have them dead and then their teammate comes around the corner so you have to face him instead while the original enemy goes around the corner out of view. It's not always intentional on their part but it still always frustrates me because then I usually end up almost killing two enemies but actually killing none.


Feb 28, 2013
Hmm things that bug me... the DMR. I hate how fast the kill time is on that thing and how it is the obvious superior primary weapon over the BR. Now don't go biting my head off saying "Both weapons balanced, it just depends on the situation." this, unfortunately, is not true. Even at close range against my BR it just rips through me. If I see a guy weilding one of those things I may as well pull my pants down and let them rape me.
Feb 1, 2013
Hmm things that bug me... the DMR. I hate how fast the kill time is on that thing and how it is the obvious superior primary weapon over the BR. Now don't go biting my head off saying "Both weapons balanced, it just depends on the situation." this, unfortunately, is not true. Even at close range against my BR it just rips through me. If I see a guy weilding one of those things I may as well pull my pants down and let them rape me.

i havnt got any thing against u but at close range i always win with the br and at mediem range i almost always win and at long range i use the dmr :p :eek: :eek:


Feb 28, 2013
i havnt got any thing against u but at close range i always win with the br and at mediem range i almost always win and at long range i use the dmr :p :eek: :eek:
It's the fact that that if I beat someone who has DMR with a BR at close range it's because I get the first 2 shots and they miss a shot or two. The thing fires way too fast for the BR to keep up.


It's the fact that that if I beat someone who has DMR with a BR at close range it's because I get the first 2 shots and they miss a shot or two. The thing fires way too fast for the BR to keep up.
the thing is, they can never be balanced out. they can't make the BR kill with 4 bursts because everyone will go to that weapon, and you can't really slow down the DMR just because it'll feel different and it won't be the same if it's a significant difference.. but Idk it's just my opinion


Jan 9, 2013
Over there
I hate when our flag is taken, I run at the guy with our flag, take his sheilds down with an AR or something, (and he hasn't shot me at all at this point) and then I go up to punch him, and he punches at the same time, and I die and he is fine. They then proceed to score a point.