Halo Keep Dominion Alive

Apr 27, 2013
Brisbane, Australia
Hey guys, as you know Dominion is being removed from its place as a regular playlist in Halo 4. 343 are proposing that it be put into a rotational playlist that would last two weeks every few months. Dominion is one of the defining gametypes of Halo 4 and it being a rotational playlist would not do it justice whatsoever.

My proposition is that Dominion is merged into a 6 v 6 Squad playlist alongside extraction and koth or maybe even conversion. There are going to 5 consolidated 4 v 4 slayer playlists yet 343 has not made any room for a single 6 v 6 playlist. Merging these gametypes into one squad playlist will allow the playlist population to be bolstered and for dominion to thrive.

Dominion does not deserve to be reserved for a rotational playlist or to be merged into BTB. Both of these options will forever eliminate the possibility of forge maps being playlist integrated which would be a huge blow for dominion forgers and players.

Please bump this thread over on Halo Waypoint with feedback on the idea of a squad playlist in Halo 4
If you enjoy Dominion, or even don't but see its merit. Please comment on the waypoint feedback thread linked below.
Dominion Feedback


Jan 20, 2013
Quote HaloWaypoint:
2013 Tentative Rotational Playlist Schedule

9/30 - King of the Hill
10/14 - Oddball
10/28 - Forge Playlist (specifics coming soon)
11/11 - Multi-Team
11/25 - Dominion
12/9 - Race
12/23 - Rocket Race
Interestingly enough, I haven't seen Extraction mentioned in anything. They've updated plenty of maps for it, but seeing as it's Objective still, there's a likely possibility it'll be integrated into the Slayer playlists.

I agree with you, that there ought to be a 6v6 playlist. Many of the big team maps in Halo work fine, if not better, with 6v6 than 8v8. 12 players hit that sweet spot of being able to test 4v4 and 8v8 maps as well. I don't know what one would name the playlist, but it would include the following:
  • Dominion: Infinity/Pro variants
  • Extraction: 1 or 2-Site, depending on map size
  • KOTH
  • Oddball
  • "Forge Playlist" maps that fall under the above categories. (Described below)
As far as everything else is concerned...
  • Race and Rocket Race are totally random game modes. I could see them being thrown into Action Sack instead.
  • Multi-Team never really hit it off in Halo 4. Could be an Action Sack gametype, considering that super-competitive teams aren't ever in that game mode. But I'd be fine with it stricken from the books.
  • Forge Playlist is kinda limiting. What if I make a 3v3 map? Or a 6V6 Dominion? Or 8v8 Slayer? There are just WAY too many map types to be included into one playlist. Instead they should, when testing, spread them among all applicable playlists.