Justin Carter


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
If you don't know who Justin Carter is, he's a 19-year old that made a violent but sarcastic comment on Facebook. He is currently facing 10 years of jail for said comment, I'll link the full article here. Honestly the first time I heard about this was when penny arcade made a comic about it:

No matter what was said, they found no weapons in his home and no evidence that he was serious. He's American and that alone gives him freedom of speech(even if its a stupid speech), personally I'm really pissed that this is even an issue and that the stupid idiot that called the police isn't in jail for wasting the authorities time. Whats worse, this is in Texas(for those of us that arn't familiar with Texas law they have a tendency to be good with many cases and a tendency to be stupid with many others.)​


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
No matter what was said, they found no weapons in his home and no evidence that he was serious. He's American and that alone gives him freedom of speech(even if its a stupid speech), personally I'm really pissed that this is even an issue and that the stupid idiot that called the police isn't in jail for wasting the authorities time.
If someone told me, "I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them." I think I would call the cops on him too. What kind of fucked up person says that, even as a joke? A person who should be evaluated by a specialist... Especially checked by the police.


Feb 1, 2013
If someone told me, "I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them." I think I would call the cops on him too. What kind of fucked up person says that, even as a joke? A person who should be evaluated by a specialist... Especially checked by the police.

Because sarcasm is a crime?

Jeez, you have to think of the way he is saying it!

If I say "Ugh, sometimes I just want to MURDER my parents!" Should I be arrested for 8 years?
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Jan 29, 2013
California USA
If I say "Ugh, sometimes I just want to MURDER my parents!" Should I be arrested for 8 years?
I never said he deserved the 10 years in prison that he was sentenced to. I think that was just ridiculous, but you have to realize he shouldn't have said something like that in the first place. That's the key here. Now, he is being made an example of by the court system.


May 2, 2013
Sarcasm is not an excuse for stupidity. While 10 years is extreme there was absolutely no reason for him to write such a thing online.

Considering the environment we live in now where there have been several tragic school shootings (respect to those who lived through such an event) and other such things it was completely moronic to do. Yes he should be punished. Threats like that, even made in sarcasm, need to be taken seriously and there should be consequences for what he did.

At the very least he should be evaluated mentally simply for being dumb enough to write such a thing.
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Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
Sarcasm is not an excuse for stupidity. While 10 years is extreme there was absolutely no reason for him to write such a thing online.

Considering the environment we live in now where there have been several tragic school shootings (respect to those who lived through such an event) and other such things it was completely moronic to do. Yes he should be punished. Threats like that, even made in sarcasm, need to be taken seriously and there should be consequences for what he did.

At the very least he should be evaluated mentally simply for being dumb enough to write such a thing.

He said it in the heat of the moment, and was obviously not serious. I've said a thousand times before going into a game that I'm going to kill (insert gamertag here), but I'm not going to find the random guy and shove a magnum in his face.

By the way, if anyone gets pissed when someone commits an act like that its me. I'm one of those people that thinks after you do something like that your not a person anymore.

If someone told me, "I think Ima shoot up a kindergarten / And watch the blood of the innocent rain down/ And eat the beating heart of one of them." I think I would call the cops on him too. What kind of fucked up person says that, even as a joke? A person who should be evaluated by a specialist... Especially checked by the police.
Evaluated, yes. Should that decision be made by anyone other than his parents? I don't think so, there was no reason for them to be involved in something like this, if this happened every time an idle threat was made, we'd all be afraid to talk.

I'm glad to hear someone bailed him out.


May 2, 2013
He said it in the heat of the moment, and was obviously not serious. I've said a thousand times before going into a game that I'm going to kill (insert gamertag here), but I'm not going to find the random guy and shove a magnum in his face.

By the way, if anyone gets pissed when someone commits an act like that its me. I'm one of those people that thinks after you do something like that your not a person anymore.

Evaluated, yes. Should that decision be made by anyone other than his parents? I don't think so, there was no reason for them to be involved in something like this, if this happened every time an idle threat was made, we'd all be afraid to talk.

I'm glad to hear someone bailed him out.

I don't care if it's the heat of the moment or not. It was completely inappropriate and well threatening. And yes there is light years difference between you saying that you want to kill "Joe Blow's gamertag" and posting online that you are going to shoot up a school and eat the heart of one of the kids.

I get the heat of the moment stuff like what you do. It happens and people tend to let it go however that does not make it acceptable by any means. Any threat to harm somebody should be taken seriously even if the person giving it is sarcastic at the time. If you let up for even a moment then somebody who actually will do what they are saying/posting can slip through and then there is blood being spilt. I don't know about you but I have no reason to take any chances for that kind of thing to happen.

He is a legal adult and knew what the heck was going on in the world. How could he not know about the school shootings over the years? They made news the world over.

His mom is complaining about his condition in prison. Well when you make moronic comments like that on the internet people aren't exactly friendly, more so in prison. Yes he needed to be isolated for protection. Am I agreeing with the possible actions of the other inmates there? Not a chance. But I can understand a possible motivation for it.

Young and old people these days need to learn that once you put something on the internet you can not take it away. Once something is said you can not unsay it. You need to choose your words carefully. Think before you post. If your pissed and create something around violence then just don't put it on the net. Better safe than sorry. There just is no excuse for posting crap like that, absolutely none.

And as I said before he deserves to be punished. A 10 year sentence is a bit much but not out of line. Texas has every right to consider it a terrorist like attack which is where that 10 years comes from. I can not say what I would do to punish this person because honestly I just don't know what exactly should be done. I am not that kind of person who can make those choices, nor do I ever want to be. But again he still deserves to be punished.


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Well to be fair, there's a huge difference between getting pissed off at someone and saying you're going to shoot up a bunch of 6 year olds... I understand where you're coming from Cobra. We have our rights. We have freedom of speech and his 10 year sentence for this is just bullshit. You have to understand though, it is not ok for people to say something like that. No one is going to give you lineincy when you say that you're going to kill their kids. That's the point here. What if you had a son and a daughter in kindergarten near this guy, when he said he wants to watch the blood of the innocent rain down and shoot up a kindergarten? Sure 10 years is an over reaction, but the court system is making an example out of this kid. Saying this is not ok to do.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
I see what your saying, and if he made a thread about it and started saying it everywhere, I'd completely agree. He didn't. He said it in passing conversation, its obvious he wasn't serious yet a federal case was made over it, which is a simple waste of funds. Six one way half a dozen the other we'll all be dead in ~100 years, this guy lost alot of time and was possibly mentally scared, I seem to think thats wrong. He shouldn't have said it, but it wasn't him opening Pandora's Box in an attempt to end the world.

VaultingFrog His house was searched and they found nothing that should have been enough, but it wasn't. He knew about the events and should have known it wasn't a "topic of discussion" but you are saying what I never want to happen is already here. That I have to scan every thing I type to the letter, I refuse to let that be the case, I reserve the right to be a jack-ass if I want to be a jack-ass. I get that everything is permanent now, and I'm fine with that but I won't let it change how I act.