Introduction Just an introduction

So, this is where everyone from ForgeHub went...

With MCC around the corner, I'm digging up old contacts and connections and making sure that come November I can get the best maps, minigames, and overall have loads of fun with other people like the days of olde.

As for who I am, I'm Weston, GT Purplehaybusa, so most people over xbl tend to call me purple. I'm from Pittsburgh and I'm 19 years old. I've been playing Halo since second grade when the guy who installed our computer decided to include a curious selection of games for a household with two technologically inept parents and two children still in lower school. The list included The Sims, American McGee's Alice, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Unreal Tournament OSX and 2003, and Halo. So curiously enough, my first exposure to the first person shooter was through UT2003 when I was 9 years old. When I first loaded up Halo, however, I was sold for life. I have played and enjoyed countless hours of Halo across all games, including Custom Edition (NRp represent!), and it is understandably my favorite series of all time. I'm not very skilled with Forge, but custom games with tons of friends have been a big part of my Halo enjoyment since the stunt servers in CE, along with fat kid, ice cream man, hulk, and bull run in halo 3. Halo 2 is easily my least played halo game, even though it is one of my top favorites; I never had an xbox until after Halo 3 came out.

Needless to say, I'm excited to have found yet another halo custom map/game community and I'm looking forward to playing and making some great games and maps with y'all.