Is this considered porn?

Is it?


    Votes: 7 70.0%

    Votes: 3 30.0%

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it.
—Justice Potter Stewart, concurring opinion in Jacobellis v. Ohio 378 U.S. 184 (1964)

In other words, yes it's porn.
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Emoticon Guru
Jan 13, 2013
Sigh... Gotta say this:Chill baby chill, as my mom would say.


please read what I have to say below and take it to heart:

Two kinds of attention, good and bad. Hun, you need to calm down a little and show a little more maturity. Obscene behavior just comes off like you're craving for attention. Instead have meaningful conversations with people and gain their trust and in return they will want to be around you. Dirty, Calah, and I are well respected females on this site. Yes we may be a little flirty at times but we know limits and when to stop. It's like a 1-2 punch. Quick and over with it. You may be young, but sometimes you get a little overboard on the flirting where on the guys and other few girls on this site think you come off as well, needy. Being needy/attention "whore" as some call it just cause people to start picking on you, messing with your head, talking behind your back.

Tip: Saying controversial stuff like IS THIS PORN is a nono. If the thought comes across your mind. Don't post it.

Yes it is the internet, however since I don't think there is an age limit on the site, you as a user signed an agreement to be decent on the site. The reason why there isn't allowed to be porn is because other CHILDREN are on this site. And at least in America and some other countries, indecent exposure to a child is illegal. That's why there are age restrictions on the porno sites, and precautions to limit/warn underage users.Young people are very influential, so you bringing up porn or sexual topics to children is a nono. You see, if you were a parent, would you like some one posting porn on a forum your young shelteredish child was using a lot? Would you expect that kind of content on a fan HALO forum website? No, you would expect it on craigslist or a 4chan. Keep that stuff there.

Only saying this is because at least from the chatter going around, I hear your name pop up a lot and not in a good way. Bad chatter is bad. I mean you were already banned from the SB, and you think that's the worst but I assure you, it can be worse. I'm sure you can get back the trust of the staff and get your SB privileges back, but doing this kind of stuff will not work!

Just trying to help. Hopefully it will sink in :) Otherwise if you continue on this path, I'm sure you'll be considered for FULL SITE BAN by staff. I'm sure you don't want that. I see potential in you being a cool chick but you need to ease up.

Be chill. Chill baby Chillllll...........

:heart: :teddy::heart:


Mar 14, 2013
ShadowOrganization }§{
Sigh... Gotta say this:Chill baby chill, as my mom would say.


please read what I have to say below and take it to heart:

Two kinds of attention, good and bad. Hun, you need to calm down a little and show a little more maturity. Obscene behavior just comes off like you're craving for attention. Instead have meaningful conversations with people and gain their trust and in return they will want to be around you. Dirty, Calah, and I are well respected females on this site. Yes we may be a little flirty at times but we know limits and when to stop. It's like a 1-2 punch. Quick and over with it. You may be young, but sometimes you get a little overboard on the flirting where on the guys and other few girls on this site think you come off as well, needy. Being needy/attention "whore" as some call it just cause people to start picking on you, messing with your head, talking behind your back.

Tip: Saying controversial stuff like IS THIS PORN is a nono. If the thought comes across your mind. Don't post it.

Yes it is the internet, however since I don't think there is an age limit on the site, you as a user signed an agreement to be decent on the site. The reason why there isn't allowed to be porn is because other CHILDREN are on this site. And at least in America and some other countries, indecent exposure to a child is illegal. That's why there are age restrictions on the porno sites, and precautions to limit/warn underage users.Young people are very influential, so you bringing up porn or sexual topics to children is a nono. You see, if you were a parent, would you like some one posting porn on a forum your young shelteredish child was using a lot? Would you expect that kind of content on a fan HALO forum website? No, you would expect it on craigslist or a 4chan. Keep that stuff there.

Only saying this is because at least from the chatter going around, I hear your name pop up a lot and not in a good way. Bad chatter is bad. I mean you were already banned from the SB, and you think that's the worst but I assure you, it can be worse. I'm sure you can get back the trust of the staff and get your SB privileges back, but doing this kind of stuff will not work!

Just trying to help. Hopefully it will sink in :) Otherwise if you continue on this path, I'm sure you'll be considered for FULL SITE BAN by staff. I'm sure you don't want that. I see potential in you being a cool chick but you need to ease up.

Be chill. Chill baby Chillllll...........

:heart: :teddy::heart:
Why do you care? Your not my friend and I'm not yours so why talk to me? Do u just wanna scold me and make me feel worse than I do
Well u succeeded
Jan 16, 2013
I know why don't I post controversial shit on the internets that's against the terms of service on pretty much every forum under the sun to get peoples attention, better yet when peoples give me that attention I'll throw it back in their faces.

That's a Great Idea!!!!
...said no-one, ever



Emoticon Guru
Jan 13, 2013
Why do you care? Your not my friend and I'm not yours so why talk to me? Do u just wanna scold me and make me feel worse than I do
Well u succeeded
Hun you shouldn't feel bad and guilt trip doesn't work on me. I'm trying to prevent you from being banned/ talked badly about more frequently by other players on this site. Reason why I'm talking is because growing up I don't like bullies and I feel like this is a guide trying to put you off the forum bully hit list. People do talk about you, and you may like that, but it's not the kind of talk you're probably hoping for. I was hoping that post would be a wake up call if anything because it seems like you didn't know how you were coming off (or maybe you do). There are rules for a reason hun. I'm just looking out for people. Like I said before:

Just trying to help. Hopefully it will sink in :) Otherwise if you continue on this path, I'm sure you'll be considered for FULL SITE BAN by staff. I'm sure you don't want that. I see potential in you being a cool chick but you need to ease up.

Obviously, if you were a lost cause I would just let you go down the road you're headed and let destiny catch up with you, but again just trying to open up your eyes and hopefully reform.

If you wanna talk on xbl you're welcome to invite/FR on xbox. GT: Shiralai.

Just trying to be a friendly voice
:teddy: Shira