Gaming Is Gaming History Important?


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
I like history, I like video games. So, I like gaming history alot, and some of it is just hilarious(POWER GLOVE FTW). But, is it important for us to know it? I was talking to two gamer friends of mine who are around 15 and they didn't know what the hell an Atari or Sega Genesis was! Awhile ago I watched a Reach map showcase vid that was a flood map based on one of the last CE levels and he said in the video: "I guess its close, never played CE, the players said it was close." the guy had around 2,000 subs, had a completely Halo-content channel and never played the original Halo?! I commented why the hell he was making a Halo channel without playing the original and he said he was a kid when it was released(this is pre-CEA), with no reply from him I said I was also and that its important that we know the history of things important to us like Halo. Do you agree?, or was I just being an ass?


Mar 6, 2013
I think what you mean is, "is it important to have played every game within a franchise?". I don't think it is simply from a a player perspective. Many people jump into a franchise at different times, and many don't go back to older titles for many different reasons. It could be the lack of online, lack of backwards compatibility, on a system they don't own, or even just not having any interest in older games. That being said, if someone is going to project an image of themselves as a knowledgeable source on the game's universe and gameplay, it would probably be wise to at least make yourself familiar with it's predecessors in some way.


Mar 6, 2013
No, I just used it as an example and I feel with a following that large he should have, but its more of just is it important to know general gaming history.
Gotcha. I think it all depends on how he is representing himself. Is he branding his "expertise" on a single game, an entire franchise, an entire genre, or a broad spectrum covering the entire gaming industry? He could be well versed in titles like Reach or Halo 4, and not need to have experience with last gen titles. But, the moment he begins speaking about the franchise in it's entirety and lacks knowledge about key games, then yes he should be called out for it.
Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
you don't have to play every game in the franchise but the guy should have played halo CE if he was doing a map based on the game but on the channel part
I never played halo CE only halo CEA (reason is I was a PS2 player until halo 3)
but even if I didn't play halo CEA I can still have a channel of halo stuff
just because you miss one game doesn't mean you know nothing of the history
but your not wrong history is important even more than most people think