Introduction Introudce Your Self! =)


Jul 7, 2015
  • Name, location, age (we recommend you don't give out too much personal information on the Internet)
  • Gamertag
  • What you like to play?
  • What you do in the time you're not playing games?
  • What is your favorite color?!?
  • Whatever else comes to mind!
  • -------------
  • Hello, My name is Chris and I would rather not post where I am located ^.^ and I am 22
  • My Gamertag is BipolarxSmurf
  • My favorite game to play is halo of course but I tend to play other things at times.
  • Usually if I am not playing video games im either working or out doing things.
  • My favorite color is Blue and Red! weird as that sounds lol but those are my favorite colors ^.^
  • Im always up to play custom games or ranked games always just let me know when and ill be there! unless something comes up, ill def be letting you know!

Thank You!! ^-^