Introduction Introduction to HaloCustoms...

Nov 4, 2014
Hello, I go by the name Viper. Hopefully I will be changing my gamertag soon, but for now it's IxXGGGVIPERXxI. Honestly, I love forging & hope to bring more content to this website. I strive to make what I have already done, better. I know that there are a ton of people that are better or way more professional and are more unique. For forge I love making bases or terrain. Recently I made a map called "Drifted" I really enjoyed building it and would like to see if others like or enjoy my work. Its not the best, for now at least. I hope to become better and learn from others while I'm at HaloCustoms. Much love, Viper


Jan 10, 2013
Hey, welcome to HC :D. I have to say, HaloCustoms is the place to start learning how to forge better. Before I came here, I basically sucked at it. But with all the feedback and tips, I became better and better (but still learning) :)


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom
I think everyone is constantly learning how to Forge maps. Some people take steps backwards, others leap forwards... but all the while, everyone is at different stages and learning how to improve. Even the "best" forgers are only limited to their favourite types of maps. Nexn used to be favoured very much on Forge Hub for producing some truly beautiful and unique 1v1 maps, but that was mostly what he created. Psychoduck and Shoe here excel greatly in Big Team Battle maps, but are always improving their ways for smaller, less vehicle orientated maps... and myself, I rarely tend to stray away from 4v4 arena maps because I'm not that good at anything else!

Either way, Viper, you're definitely in the right place and there'll be a load of members willing to give you advice and tips on how to improve your maps, no matter what your style.

Welcome to HC.


Nov 9, 2014
Hey, I tried to add you (couldn't find GT on, my GT is xXxMENTALxXx. I'm also not a "professional" forger but I do take a lot of pride in what I create. I will be looking to create/play a lot of unique and fun custom games/maps. Also i'm very willing to help test other peoples maps and try to give helpful feedback.


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom
Hey, I tried to add you (couldn't find GT on, my GT is xXxMENTALxXx. I'm also not a "professional" forger but I do take a lot of pride in what I create. I will be looking to create/play a lot of unique and fun custom games/maps. Also i'm very willing to help test other peoples maps and try to give helpful feedback.
iiM Stevo is my GT. I have 100 friends already so don't think I can send a FR to anyone now.

For testing and customs, post a new game lobby so it's listed on the right side of the site.
Also chat in the shout box to people and get to know them :)


Nov 9, 2014
iiM Stevo is my GT. I have 100 friends already so don't think I can send a FR to anyone now.

For testing and customs, post a new game lobby so it's listed on the right side of the site.
Also chat in the shout box to people and get to know them :)

The gamertag I couldn't find was the OP's (IxXGGGVIPERXxI) ;). I'll be sure to keep an eye out for lobbies I am interested, though for now I will probably prefer more spontaneous lobbies. Something about having to RSVP and not bringing along friends who don't also pre-plan for the lobby isn't going to interest me especially so soon after release. I'll check out the conversations in the shoutbox though and chime in from time to time. :)

Also, unless something changed i didn't hear about you can have 1000 friends/followers on Xbox One. (I'm not even close to that limit so I don't know for sure)