Introduction Introduction Post


Dec 30, 2014
My gamertag is spartan117m15 but you may call me spartan.
Anyways, I am new to the site and enjoy playing Halo as well as other games like GTA V or Battlefield 4 in my spare time. I am currently not playing any COD so please don't ask if you want to play since after playing BF4 I can't stand COD.

Alright now that that is out of the way, lets move forward.
I am here because I want to have fun, meet other people, and enjoy what others have so kindly created and let us play. I am not here to trash talk, be mean, or simply a jerk but actually the opposite. All I want is a group of nice people to hang with and add as friends on XBL so we can hang out and have fun.

I currently have an Xbox 360 and am planning on changing to Xbox One in about a year but for now my 360 is holding out. Had it for 7 years and it's still going strong. :)

See you on the battlefield,