Introduction Introducing...myself


Nov 1, 2013
Hello all, I am Rodan. I've been an avid forger since H3 and I still spend about half of my time on Halo 4, which is at least a few hours every week, in Forge. You may have seen one or two of my creations floating about the internet, but I'd be surprised if you did. Besides a few posts on Forgehub, my maps for the most part sit on my hard drive collecting dust, which is a shame because I am proud of some of my work. That's not really why I'm here, though. I've been active duty military for the past five years and my contract is nearing it's end, and I am anticipating and certainly looking forward to a lot of time on my hands to put into playing Halo and forging. Really, forge is my go-to for stress relief and creative output, even if I don't necessarily make anything worth bragging about too often. I'm really interested in spending more time building quality content and playing more customs matches.
Over the course of my enlistment I've seen Halo titles come and go and the community has taken a big hit for many reasons, as we all know. That said, I still love the franchise and I want to be a part of the turnaround that I feel is due. That is why I'm here, hopefully to contribute some of my time and effort into becoming a bigger part of the Halo community than I have been in the past.

Anyways, with all of that said, please feel free to invite me to a custom match or a forge session in the future. My Gamertag is Rodan117, keep in mind I'm still stationed in Hawaii so my timezone is a little tricky to work around but soon I will be moving back into EST.

Thanks for your kind attention!
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Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
We have a map section as well you could post your maps in :)
Forge certainly is relaxing, but for me it is too frustrating since i can never make exactly what i want and then i stop :/
im glad you enjoy it and have soon more time to do so even more ^^
you Sir have big plans and i hope to see you around, do you have any questions on how the site works?
Welcome! timezones are always tricky, im from germany for example, thats even more messed up, JL1BOO23 X is from Hongkong :p but 80% are USA or UK
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JL1223 X

Feb 14, 2013
Hong Kong
Oi Fuzzle. Don't go saying my name to strangers.

Hey Rodan! Welcome to halocustoms! In any case, if you're stationed in hawaii, that actually means I could get into games with you, though personally I'm playing Halo very little these days. Hope you have a good time here! :)

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Nov 1, 2013
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I'll be playing from Hawaii until mid-December, then I'll be playing from Michigan (eastern timezone). I'm getting together some screenshots and stuff to post my first few maps on Halo Customs, and I plan on getting in some good customs this week. Keep your eyes open for my Gamertag , you'll see me RSVPing to some matches!
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Reactions: Fuzzle