Introduction Introducing myself


Jul 7, 2013
Hey guys. Obviously since I'm on this forum, I'm looking for Halo 4 custom games. I recently came back to Xbox and, being a massive Halo 3 fan, I decided to try Halo 4 out. But being gone for a very long time (3-4 years) made a lot of my buddies remove me from their buddy lists, leaving me a fish out of water when it comes to getting the custom games fill I had in Halo 3. So if anyone who reads this hosts lots of custom games (as long as it isn't clan related) and could always use another player, seriously add me. I loved every custom from Halo 3 and haven't even had a nibble of Halo 4's custom potential.

A bit about myself:
I'm 17, male, white
Going to college this autumn
I Play games all the time (PC and Xbox)
I'm not a fan of clans
Halo 3 was my favorite game specifically for custom games + forge mode
I came up with my Xbox gamertag when I was like 12, may change it soon
I'm never angry, especially when it comes to video games

So all in all, add me if you host custom games often. I'd love to experience the Halo I remember years ago.