Introduction Introducing myself :D HELLO!

Jan 13, 2013
Hey! My name is Ryan, but you can call me SixWaysToSunday, BlueConchShell, or some shortened version of those.

I've been playing Halo for awhile but I've found that this Halo isn't any fun online right now. So I want to get into the custom games scene to keep having fun with this awesome series.

I'm 19 and simply want to play with other mature gamers. Age doesn't matter as much to me, just how mature you act and play. Trolling is not okay with me and if that's how you have fun don't include me.

I'm an okay Halo player and can get pretty competitive. But I'm all in for swords only, etc as long as it's fun for everyone.

I seriously doubt anyone will bother to read an introduce post, BUT HELLO FORUMS!
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