Introduction introducing: Me!


Jan 10, 2013
Hello everyone, and welcome to any new members who might be reading this. I am joining this forum because i love custom games but can NEVER find a lobby. I will be covering three ideas here, which are as follows: 1. my game preference. 2. Host capabilities. 3. misc.

1. Halo custom games have always interested me. They always seem to throw a fun spin to the FPS game series. Saying this, i prefer the kind of custom games that add a whole different type of objective to the game (such as Icebreakers), not just different versions of "shoot em dead".

2. I actively follow several youtube channels that post videows about custom games. i hope to eventually collect enough maps and game types to be able to host my own lobbies. Another helpful thing is that i upgraded my internet speed from 3 MBS to 20 MBS so i should have no problem hosting.

3. I have no idea what to say here. i only added this section hoping i would thing of something to say... but i cant ;) SO have a good day! and invite me to some custom games!

EDIT: my gamertag is silverscope875 (same as my username on this forum)
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Jan 10, 2013
Great to have you! Hope you enjoy yourself here. Do you forge at all? Or are you a mainly custom games guy?
I love using the forge, but i have not spent much time considering map designing. i primarily just have fun and mess around in forge. eventually i want to try to design a few maps but i do not know how well that is going to work out...

Nice intro!

You have a great connection! Host some games over at Upcoming Games :)
Tanks for the suggestion. However, i need to obtain some more custom maps and game types before i want to consider hosting. Its been a struggle for me to get maps because the file share system has not been put online yet. I have tried finding the maps by searching gamer-tags but i only successfully found 1 of 5 maps from gamer tag searches... not too good of a track reccord lol o_O


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
Tanks for the suggestion. However, i need to obtain some more custom maps and game types before i want to consider hosting. Its been a struggle for me to get maps because the file share system has not been put online yet. I have tried finding the maps by searching gamer-tags but i only successfully found 1 of 5 maps from gamer tag searches... not too good of a track reccord lol o_O
Check out the Halo 4 Maps area, and definitely look at Fuzzle's Finds (you can find it in Forge Discussion)! There's tons of great maps to download!


Jan 10, 2013
Check out the Halo 4 Maps area, and definitely look at Fuzzle's Finds (you can find it in Forge Discussion)! There's tons of great maps to download!
Thanks for directing me there, that was a great resource. just skimming through it i found one map that i need for sure! hopefully after playing a few games in the "upcoming games" ill be able to put a nice lineup of custom games and host to whomever wishes to join. though first i need people on my friends list... ill have to work on that one too.... :rolleyes:
sorry i can get off-track a little bit when i'm making posts. anyway i'm quite excited to see what this community has to offer! thanks for the warm welcome
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Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
I don't know if you may mind me and a couple of others in my Legion maybe joining you on a custom game with you? It would be great on a day off from the competitive training and Clan Battles. I can forge well, but some times it gets annoying using only my maps when I do so. (meaning only Competitive stuff) Never we get the time to mess around except for racing because that is part of what we need to know.

So ya I don't know if you want to count in a couple of a thousand potential people to join, I could even place days they may get to contact you, point is IDK so I know lots of people hate clans, but they must realize we are humans like you guys too, we don't always go out of our way to own, times were fun comes to play we don't care what team we are on.