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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Sup, Jester? Welcome to this site, etc. etc.

You see, just as you have written merely to make a message go away, I have welcomed you merely to appear warm and inviting. Alas, in reality, I am truly devoid of any compassion for you. I do not like you. I do not hate you. I do not know you. Do not take any sort of "welcome" text to appear as such - it is a lie. An illusion. A jest, if you will, that seeks to exploit your need for human acceptance.

Do I look human to you, Jester? Does my face, please you? Can you see it?

Touch it?

Feel it?


For I am merely words. Writing. Void communication on the blinking screen in front of your weary eyes. And just as those words are desolate of existential meaning, so is this welcome. Now go, and find some semblance of satisfaction on this weary plane, while you build towards a goal of void devastation.
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Of course, I'm just shitting you. I'm not that cynical ;)

Welcome to the site dude! As the others have said, you can go ahead and check out our lobbies in the Upcoming Games section. Maybe you can even make your own, and build towards the shiny-ass Gold Host title :D