I wanted to Announce Something


May 24, 2013
I'm not the only one that really hates Halo now right? Like, I use to love the game. I played it for years, though Halo 4 will be the final standing for me. I heard MCC was bad and lost all excitement in the Xbox one and all. Halo 5 beta, wasn't even remotely fun in my opinion. Doubt it will change within a few days either. Custom games aren't even looked at anymore. You struggle and struggle and STRUGGLE AND STRUGGLE and struggle. Though, shit never. ever. Changes. 343 always fails to deliver promises.

I hate to break away from the Halo community, as I liked custom games with all of you. Though, it's time for me to be realistic. 343 Industries is a terrible game company. Maybe, not in their ideas. They're just sucking money off Microsoft now since they want to continue to have the Halo series. (For what, Halo should die and so should COD)

I believe entirely, that we need new games. A new popular title that doesn't suck complete ass, and has an active community. Will this happen? Probably not. Though, I'm tired of the same fucking titles that never deliver. I'm tired and TIRED of it. I can not stand game companies who fail to deliver constantly. I hate to be that guy. Though I'm totally done with it.

I'm turning into a PC gamer now. Not because #PC Master Race, though I just find it to be a lot less stressful. It's easier to be in the community, and I feel more appreciated. Game owners take my ideas seriously and even add content into the game. Literally, I have game companies watch me stream on my tiny ass twitch profile. They SUPPORT us.

I can also forge a lot of stuff on steam workshop and a lot of games have a similar style to what we would call "Forge". Mods, are also new to me and trust me. I have never laughed so hard. Gamers are nicer, bigger parties, bigger everything.
Legit Mods! Are awesome

Also, a lot of content doesn't have DLC though just is already added, or is downloadable within the game already. Huge sales, and as easy as you can get to show people accomplishements.

I'm sorry I can't continue anymore... with Microsoft and sony's bull shit excuse of a console.


You guys were awesome. If you are also a gamer on PC or just want to talk, I have no excuse to block you from my life. Feel free to talk to me. We could play a game. I just hate console now... I'm sorry :(


Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
It is very sad to see you go after all these years Swash but it is completely understandable and frankly I don't see console games getting much better than MCC at this time. If you feel you've truly made the right decision, I can honestly respect that. Its hard to let go of something you've truly loved a lot such as this but as I said, after recent events, it is understandable. Farewell, Swash.


Resident Coffee Aficionado
Jan 12, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Sad to see you go, Swash, especially leaving something that you love (custom games). Still, feel free to visit the site from time to time if you want, you will always be welcome in the community, even though you no longer care for consoles or Halo. I respect your decision, and will support it. Hit me up on Steam, if you want. I go by the name "EmbarkingZeus" there.


May 24, 2013
Sad to see you go, Swash, especially leaving something that you love (custom games). Still, feel free to visit the site from time to time if you want, you will always be welcome in the community, even though you no longer care for consoles or Halo. I respect your decision, and will support it. Hit me up on Steam, if you want. I go by the name "EmbarkingZeus" there.
Ah, add swash984. I suck at adding people, I always forget.
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Reactions: EmbarkingZeus


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
So.... #pcmustardrice? I'm really hoping that some of the other titles coming out this year make up for the sheer amount of disappointment that we've had with games over the past 12 months. I honest to god hope that there's something that will tempt you to buy a next gen console but I doubt that we'll see anything any time soon. Swash, you may be a pleb, but you were our pleb. Don't be a stranger, comeback and visit from time to time. We'll tell the newbies of our adventures that involved, "Hey Swash ^.^" *shotgun fires* "God fucking dammit..." It'll be awesome.

Go dtí go gcasfar le chéile sinn arís.


May 24, 2013
We'll tell the newbies of our adventures that involved, "Hey Swash ^.^" *shotgun fires* "God fucking dammit..." It'll be awesome.

Go dtí go gcasfar le chéile sinn arís.
Greatest Thing I've read all day. Lol. That throwback was the best Throwback.