Introduction I have arrived

Mr Sylux

Mar 26, 2014
Hello internet, I'm Mr Sylux!

My occupation: Making games fun and better for everyone!

-Name, location, age: Ben, Florida, 20.

-Gamertag: Mr Sylux

-What you like to play?: I've always been a fan of the halo series. The first Halo game I played was actually Halo 3. I used to be a Nintendo and PS2 guy. But then when I played Halo 3 I just was amazed... So then here I am today! Most of the games I play now are Shooters, Fighters, Racers, action, and more!

-What you do in the time you're not playing games?: Hanging out with friends or at work. I'm an animator and I'm going to be going to animation school soon. Gotta prepare before I go so I can compete well against my piers.

-What is your favorite color?!?: Yellow

-Whatever else comes to mind!: Believe or not I'm a modder on Xbox. No, not the kind that hacks peoples' accounts, online public matches, leaderboards, anything that is cheating the system. What I do is make content for the community to enjoy because deep down, I'm a assisting/helping kinda guy! However, I'm not the best in the map making category. I mostly do slight edits and fix stuff to make well balanced gameplay. Although sometimes I make maps for the gametypes I create.

Anyway, I also host Community Game Nights on Halo 4 for the public to join to test and enjoy my creations.

I also have a Youtube channel and twitch account. I'm going to be getting back into youtube again very shortly because before my capture card broke and that set major setbacks on my channel.

Facebook page:

Anyway, It's a pleasure to meat you all! Here's hoping to some good times!

Keep it classy!
Mr Sylux
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