Introduction Hullo :)


Jan 11, 2013
Hey there guys, I'm Dom, a 17 year old halo-er from the UK :D came here because I love custom games but I dont have enough halo friends :p I try to make maps in forge, and they usually turn out okay, but I can't ever play them or test them, which kinda sucks :p I'm currently working on a linear extraction game, and if anyone would like to come see/help out, it would be appreciated so message me! :D I have started my own games design company Xenolithic Games, and aim to have our first game for sale by March! It's only a point and click game with a ton of puzzles, but the music is amazing and the storyline is enthralling xD it is centered around a 15 year-old protagonist, Alice, and is set in the near future during war. Alice, along with a few others, are evacuated. Their plane is shot down, and crashes into a mysterious building. Alice and the other survivors must find each other and work out what is going on :)

Anyway, thats a little bit about me, and a lot about what I do :p I look forward to playing halo with you all. :)
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