How good is your Typing Speed?


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
I saw a thread over at ForgeHub basically starting a competition over who had the best typing speed. This was always a fun subject for me, since I'm fairly good and have never once used Touch Typing. Everyone's all like, "You'd be faster if you touched typed, and I'm all like:

(With using only six fingers in total. I guess that puts me at, oh I dunno, 162 wpm given the number of fingers ;))

Anyway, if you want to show off your typing speed, check out where you can take a really fair and easy typing test. After a minute, it'll show your results in a neat little graph like the one above. Make sure you share the exact screenshot from the site though, or else we'll think it's shopped ;)

Post your results below! Let's see who's king :laugh: