Introduction Hi.

Nov 13, 2015
My name is Thomas. Known as LittleThomasKid on Social Media and I am a Halo Machinima YouTuber working under Black Plasma Studios! I've been playing Halo since early 2010 with Halo 3 and have never stopped.

My favorite Halo game to date is Halo: Reach because it was the first Halo game that I was looking forward to as a fan of Halo. As much as I like Halo 3, I only really got it at first to play with my friends. But once they moved on from Halo, I stuck with it. And will continue to stick around, as long as 343 make grenades less powerful in Halo 5. My god. It's awful. Reach is also my favorite because of Forge World. It blew me away as well as most of the Halo Community, which is most likely why people have stuck around with it for so long that only now has it died down with the release of Halo 5.

Custom games is what makes halo great, and I hope that when Forge is released in December, the community can return to a better Forge World and create better maps! (But please, no more Assassination Tower. I will kill you)

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