Introduction Hi, My name is Oak people call me the Pokemon Professor

Sep 22, 2013
Norman, OK
Oh wait! that's not me. well this is embarrassing... well anyways I'm ramenloverninja, ramen to most, ninja to some, and lover to a select few. I enjoy Halo customs games and competitive games, minecraft, and Forza, as well as pokemon titles. I do a little forging, but not to much. I am also active on Halowaypoint and forums with the same username. I am one of the creators of the Halo 4 variant of clue, and one of the tester and contributor on a number of early clue maps, most notably Fecal Frontier. I am also one of the last active GoO members on Halo and one of theirs earliest members. other than that kinda just looking for people to play with and have a good time.
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