Introduction hi guys bryce here or BruceChan123


Jan 11, 2013
Ok my name is bryce and i live in new zealand.

My gamer tag is BruceChan123.

I like to play swat with my partner when im on halo. I also play other game types but swat is da main one.

When im not on the game im usually with my partner doing stuff or watching tv or working.

I am the proud creator of two grifball maps on halo 4 which i am very happy to say are epic and would love tjem to become actual used maps for matcaking when grifball come out for matcaking. Anyway the one that is most famous is called Chan Ball you may have herd of it or not anyway thats it from me i look forward to meeting great people and having good customs to play

Yours trully BruceChan123
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