Introduction Hey guys, MJ here...

Hey everyone, MJ Rooking bringing you... an introduction? Well I guess you can call it that. Where to start...

I suppose down here. My name is MJ Rookie (redundant, I know), and I am a Halo forger. I have been forging since Halo 3 and took pleasure in map design and the whole artistic capabilities forge had at the time. My favorite map in the days of 3? My recreation of the LOST "hatch", inside and out on Sandtrap. We had a blast. Went as far as to making the exercise equipment. Anyways, without rambling on too much, go past my Halo Reach days where half my maps were left on my non-xboxlive account and we have the brand new 343 cocktail of Halo 4 forge.

Me personally, I am in love with the forging community and would love to colab with other Halo 4 forger. However my dreams were shot at a little when I learned that the Halo 4 community was dying. So now I sail alone on these dangerous waters, no arm floaties, no nothing. And then I was led here by Mr. Pokephile saying something about the Best of 2013 in his new video. Thus I landed here to see what I can stick. Running low on grenades though...

Puns aside, I really like this site. It seems to be a nice place and I will probably come here more often for Halo forging stuff.

My gamertag comes from a few different things. First of all I was a HUGE RVB NUT and still am today. MJ Rookie comes from 2 parts of that. Caboose and Donut originally were just called Rookie, but Caboose later stated his name was Michael J. Caboose. This turned into MJ Rookie for me as well as really in love with the Halo 3 ODST game ('s my favorite campaign in the series...). Needing a back story for my characters I created with him however, I gave him an official name. He later would be known as Macbeth Johnson "Rookie" Kimmer. Rolls off the tongue, I know... (that was sarcasm... I think?). So thus, MJ was truly born after being born on xbox live for a few years prior. And the rest is history... and the future is Destiny (seewhatIdidthere?).

One last thing to not is that sometimes I move my hands so fast while typing my brain and fingers can't keep up, thus I make incorrect keyboard strokes. You might see this a lot in my typing so if I reply to a post of yours, sorry if my wording is off or my spelling makes you scratch your head!

Anyways, if you want to see some of my maps or my channel, go right ahead. It's always appreciated when somebody actually takes the time to see something I offer.

Thanks! And peace off,

[Sorry if this was long ^^;]
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Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
Halos population is decreasing, i feel your pain buddy.. But as long as sites like these exists and there are people forging and playing the game because they enjoy it, Halo 4 won't die ;) It's rough times but that doesnt keep us from having a blast playing together. Dont let other people influence you on how you enjoy a game, this site has a very positive attitude towards its community and the game we all know and love. Not all members play H4 anymore but many still stick around because we are essentially one big family (with its good share of quarrels and heated discussions of course^^). The only rule on this forum really is to use common sense, but judging from your amazing intro i doubt youll have problems here. Any questions regarding mechanisms and organisation of the site?
Subbed to your channel by the way and i hope i see you around good Sir :)
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Halos population is decreasing, i feel your pain buddy.. But as long as sites like these exists and there are people forging and playing the game because they enjoy it, Halo 4 won't die ;) It's rough times but that doesnt keep us from having a blast playing together. Dont let other people influence you on how you enjoy a game, this site has a very positive attitude towards its community and the game we all know and love. Not all members play H4 anymore but many still stick around because we are essentially one big family (with its good share of quarrels and heated discussions of course^^). The only rule on this forum really is to use common sense, but judging from your amazing intro i doubt youll have problems here. Any questions regarding mechanisms and organisation of the site?
Subbed to your channel by the way and i hope i see you around good Sir :)

Thanks! And I don't know if I have any questions... not yet. I'll let you know when some arise :D
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