Introduction Hey everyone!


Feb 4, 2013
Posting on forums is usually not my thing but this site is so awesome I could not resist!
I'm VBALLAKILLAZ, a.k.a. Ricky. I've been playing halo since the LAN days of Halo Combat Evolved and I haven't played many customs since the glory days of Halo 2 so I'm excited to have found halocustoms!
I've recently moved from Virginia to Tucson, AZ and I'm 25 years old.
I play halo about 10-15 hours a week. You will see me online around nights and weekends.
To give you an idea of my skill level (for those of you who go back a bit), I was an average 32 in Halo 2, and had multiple 47's in Halo 3.
For those of you who read this, it's nice to meet you and see you online soon!