Introduction Hey everyone!


Apr 8, 2015
Hello my name is Arcradin. I came across this site today while browsing the web looking for answers on why the game types in Halo 4 are so limited.. I miss the good ol Infection days in Halo 3 as well as Firefight in Halo Reach. I remember all the great custom games i played with friends such as Fat Kid, Skytower, Jenga.. I could name tons of more game types that i deeply miss. I just bought an Xbox One after not playing Xbox in 3 years. Logging back on to Xbox Live I realized that many of my friends don't have an Xbox One or they all quit Xbox completely.

So here I am. I Just finished the Halo 4 campaign (Really enjoyed it). Did some matchmaking (Didn't enjoy it). And now I'm bored. My friends list is empty since everyone on it quit Xbox Live. The only thing I want to do is play custom games with friends like I did in the past. So I am coming here wondering if any of you would like to play games together, help me rebuild my friends list, and get that old Halo community feeling back that I lost long ago...​



Apr 8, 2015
Also a little info on me. I'm 21 currently in school for web development, programming, and IT. I'm a stocker at a grocery store and I just threw my back out a few days ago so I'm at home recovering (which means lots of time to kill and lots of Halo to play :D) I've built several computers in the past and I enjoy PC gaming more than anything, however lately PC gaming feels dead to me. There hasn't been many great games that have released for the PC lately (imo) so that's one of the main reasons why I've decided to get back into some console gaming.

Im online every night, usually around 10pm-4am EST. Sometimes earlier depending on my schedule. My job is an overnight shift so that's mainly why I'm up so late.. or early.. lol.


Jan 10, 2013
Hey, welcome to HC :D. Yeah, the H4 customs are pretty limited :/. Wish I could play with you, but my Xbox 360 is at my other house, and the times you play at is when I usually go to bed lol. But, you can probably find people to play with around the site :)

EDIT: :slaphead: Sorry, I don't know why I was thinking about the 360, but I do have the ONE. But, like I said before, I'm usually sleep at that time :(


Apr 8, 2015
Hey, welcome to HC :D. Yeah, the H4 customs are pretty limited :/. Wish I could play with you, but my Xbox 360 is at my other house, and the times you play at is when I usually go to bed lol. But, you can probably find people to play with around the site :)

EDIT: :slaphead: Sorry, I don't know why I was thinking about the 360, but I do have the ONE. But, like I said before, I'm usually sleep at that time :(

Cool cool no worries. Im on at random throughout the day but yeah my main online times are pretty late :/. Feel free to add me though. whenever we both are online we can play some Halo.