Introduction Hey Everyone, TheSpeedyKnvies Here!

Jul 5, 2013
Hey guys! I'm TheSpeedyKnives, but I am usually referred to as "Speedy" or "Knives," but mostly "Speedy." I'm 16 nearing 17 years old.
I like to play many different games that range from rated E to rated M, as long as they are good, I'll play it.
I had made an account here before, username was ECGxSP33DY, but that name was from a couple of years ago and I sort of forgot the email I used for it.. o_o Anyways, I love to play Halo games, but the best part about the games is Custom Game lobbies with many many people! I never really got interested in matchmaking in halo, even though I've tried to like it since Halo 3.
In fact, I loved Custom Games so much that I only played 5 matchmaking games in Halo: Reach. My Halo: Reach rank is Colonel. Did almost nothing but custom games and got to that rank because of how much I played.
I used to do weekly gamenights on Saturday nights for the clan I used to be in (That clan was why my name had "ECG" in it) and I absolutely loved playing with a bunch of people, whether I knew them or they were complete strangers.
I'm hoping I will be able to do the same thing again because I have been missing those days when I actually had something to look forward to during the weekend rather than just sitting around dying over and over in Call of Duty.