Introduction Hey Everybody!

Purple Monkey

Jun 22, 2015
Hey guys my name is Purple Monkey 332 and I've been forging for the last 7 years. I have always loved forging. I've forged 4 years off Xbox live for just my friends. That's probably why nobody has seen my maps really. Anyway now that I have Xbox live I hope that some of you guys will get to see some of my maps. They usually turn out pretty good due to my experience from forging, and from the fact I'm studying to be an architect. Finally I also just wanted to say that I've started posting videos to my YouTube channel again and if you guys want to submit a map you can just send me a message right here on Halo Customs. Just title the conversation "Map Submission". Id really like to see all the cool stuff you guys can make, especially once halo 5 comes out. :)