Introduction Herro

Hi - I'm kimjongillwill. I'm big into Halo Forge and I pretty much stick to custom games. I've been on 343 and Forge Hubs' forums so I thought I'd see what Halo Customs was all about. Here's a link to one of my best maps, The Killer Robot Factory:

Not sure if I'm allowed to do this, but here's a link to the thread about it on Forge Hub in case you'd like to see pictures:

Anyway, nice to meet you folks.



I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Haha, awesome name man :laugh: And yeah, I see nothing wrong with linking that here. Though unfortunately, I doubt too many people will see it. If you want to show off your map, I reckon the way you'll do that best is through the map section of the website - just check out the Maps tab at the top of the page.
Haha, awesome name man :laugh: And yeah, I see nothing wrong with linking that here. Though unfortunately, I doubt too many people will see it. If you want to show off your map, I reckon the way you'll do that best is through the map section of the website - just check out the Maps tab at the top of the page.

I'm glad you got it! I think a lot of people assume I'm an Asian girl named Kim. I took your advice, btw.
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