Introduction Hello


May 28, 2013
About me:
I never forged much in Halo 3. I got Reach and liked forge world so much and started screwing around with it, and now I forge quite a bit in Halo 4. I love creating things, which is why I think I love forging so much, but I have a problem: not many of my friends play Halo anymore, and when they do, there's never enough of them online to get a decent custom game going. So what ends up happening is I create all this stuff and never get to play it, which means I've got a lot of experience making stuff look good on maps (or at least I'd like to think so, but then again I suppose I'm a bit biased
), but not much on how to shape them around gameplay.

I stumbled across some places like Forge Hub, Forge Cafe, & Halo Customs and figured maybe it's time I start getting my stuff out there and getting feedback from people who know what they're talking about.

Looking forward to getting to know the community.