Introduction Hello :)


Emoticon Guru
Jan 13, 2013
Hey so yeah just introducing myself I guess,

Name/GT: Shiralai (Shear-a-lie) others who know me a bit better can get to know my actual name
Location: Purdue University
Occupation: Studying for my masters in Civil Engineering.
What I like to play: Halo, BF3, Minecraft, Far Cry 3, sometimes COD but not as of late
When I'm not playing I'm most likely studying for my degree. Engineering be tough.
Favorite color: Blue

Game types I like mainly involve driving/racing. I did like griffball but more of Reach's style than halo 4. Far too large and I hate the sprint, bring back the classics! Love to build things, working on an insane minecraft world atm on xbox. Everyone who's seen it so far has been like wow.
That's good, anyways I hope you enjoy the website and find some good custom games. If you ever have any questions that can't be answered by the forums I would suggest asking Insane45. He is basicly the big cheese f the place. Or if it is a forge question feel free to ask me.


Server Caretaker
Staff member
Dec 23, 2012
Ill just treat her like a human not OMG a gurlllllll

- Welcome to Bigstacks Playland .. I mean the website .. :D
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