Introduction Hello there! Just joined the community and...


Mar 27, 2015
I am currently looking for Halo 3 maps and people to play Halo 3 custom games with on the Xbox 360. Seeing as the MCC isn't exactly satisfactory yet I haven't bought an Xbox One, so I am left only with the original Halo 3- which is still great as it is!

I really enjoy custom minigames and have also dabbled in competitive Halo in the past, nothing past clan battles, though. In my free time I play Hearthstone and a couple other games, watch anime, watch youtube videos and do very little of anything else.

I think I will be setting up lobbies for Halo 3 on the Xbox 360 once I have a few more maps. I look forward to playing games with you all!

GT: Sniksir
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Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
Hi there! Welcome to HaloCustoms! I would advise using the shoutbox (don't let the trolls scare you), and generally getting to know a few people around the site before starting to host lobbies of your own. The more people you know, the more people will want to join your games! Anyway, enjoy your stay here and let any of us red and orange fellows know if you need help with anything.


Mar 27, 2015
Hi there! Welcome to HaloCustoms! I would advise using the shoutbox (don't let the trolls scare you), and generally getting to know a few people around the site before starting to host lobbies of your own. The more people you know, the more people will want to join your games! Anyway, enjoy your stay here and let any of us red and orange fellows know if you need help with anything.
Thanks man, will do!