Introduction Hello, Spartans


Feb 3, 2013
Hi guys, my gamertag is Cucuy14. Before anyone asks, Cucuy is pretty much spanish for the Boogieman typically known more as "El Cucuy". I mostly enjoy Dominion gametypes, Big Team Slayer, and Flood, but pretty much any game with a lot of people, and a lot of action. The weapon i prefer is the AR. I'm a decent sniper when i need to be and I'm as good as warthog driver as you can get in these games. Playing style is pretty aggressive for the most part when i move solo. I'm not one to hang back and take pot shots for to long...the sense of self preservation is typically nonexistent, but that doesn't make me stupid. However, when i'm driving in any vehicle with passangers (whether it be a tank or warthog) i'm more cautious. In this situation, if i'm hanging back, it's for a reason. Started off playing Halo 2 and pretty much all the other games that have come out. I'm a bit of a Halo nut when it comes to the overall story of the game. I spend most of my gaming time on the weekend's and at night since i'm a university student, and an engineering degree is a lot more enticing than my next rank in matchmaking. I'm not a hardcore gamer, i'm just looking to have a good time and get some laughs and XP out of it. I look forward to playing with...or against y'all.
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Get Mockfucked
Dec 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
Dude, you sound awesome. I'm also an Engineering major, I also love the story, and I also love BTB (as you might be able to see from my custom title). Glad to have you on board!