Introduction Hello, I'm Daitor and I am always in for (competitive) customs!


Feb 4, 2013
Hello everyone, I'm Daitor.

My real name is Dieter. I am 20 years old, and I come from Belgium. (between France, The Netherlands and Germany)
My native language is Dutch, though my English is great. But enough about me :)

I stumbled upon this site because of a video on Halo Waypoint. A site that sets up custom games is exactly what I need. I'm kind of displeased with the current Halo 4 matchmaking situation, because of the lack of competitive settings and playlists. Custom games can offer the exact settings we want, and are almost always more fun than playing with randoms in matchmaking.

I am a competitive player. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the game: I find competitive games to be the most fun to play. I'm fond of the MLG v1/AGL settings and maps. I'm the kind of guy that calls out the enemy position to his team if possible, and plays to win. Though I am always up for some Action Sack style of play (Griffball, warthog sumo and what not).

I would say my skill is above the average, though certainly not MLG pro. I'm quite good when I'm having a good day, but really only average if I'm having a bad day. It's hard to say such things about yourself :)

I'm looking for players similar to me to play with in both matchmaking and customs. By similar, I mean: The same competitive, but not overly competitive mindset, not annoying, and just a likeable guy in general.
I assume the guys that will want to add me are from the UK (lag issues, etc.) and want us to have similar skill (though I certainly don't mind teaming up with less skilled players, if they know what they're doing).

Anyone interested can always add me (GT = Daitor) :) I would appreciate it if you left your name here (perhaps with a small introduction of your own) so i can add you as well and know where you know me from in-game.


Jan 24, 2013
I think a lot of people are displeased with the current H4 MP deal.

Welcome man, feel free to send me some chocolate, some of the best I've had was from Belgium (actually from there, not store bought "Belgian chocolate")
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