Introduction Hello,

Death Rhino

Mar 4, 2014
Hello. I'm here for several reasons. I came here as a response to the THFE Map Submission link on the THFE YouTube page. I've seen some of the members here before, such as Psychoduck. You're probably wondering why I was loitering around the THFE YouTube... That's where I want to be.
My story isn't all brightness, and it's not worth the saturation, but it has its hue. *writes T L : D R paragraph about how depressing he is* *reads the previous action* *decides to delete the paragraph* In short, none of my previous maps have ever made it on YouTube and I think that it's sad to see unproven talent go to waste... with haste.
The only game I have to work with is Halo 4, and I wouldn't have it any other way... basically. I do have access to Halo: Reach and Halo 3, but Halo: Reach is on my brother's Xbox, and Halo 3 doesn't have the 'edit coordinates' feature. Halo 4 is one of my favorite games, thanks to Full Throttle Gaming (so don't ask me to join your clan!).
Forging for me is hard, not because I don't know what to build, but I don't know if and how I want to approach building something. You see, I get obsessed whenever I forge, everything is on integer coordinates, teams are fully color coded, every game type is supported, each team has eight spawn points and 16 respawn points, et cetera... Well, maybe it ain't that bad, but it follows those lines. Unfortunately, both the magnets and the generated lighting have some 'disgust' in coordinated maps, so I have attempted to use magnets... Aaand they suck. Who needs shadows when you have a life? Laughing Out Loud, Just Kidding.
This website doesn't appear to be only for THFE, and appears to have custom games matchmaking (which should be in the game). Maybe I'll use that someday. I might get trolled, and by then I'll be playing Halo 5, but, what the heck. I'll make sure that my account gets personalized sometime... today...
Seems Legit.png