Introduction Hello fellow Custom-Gamers!

Death Height

Jan 15, 2013
Northeastern US
Hey everyone! My names Curtis, and I live in New England.

I am a huge custom gamer. More so customs than anything else. Above that, I also forge maps with the help from my personal friends.

My gamertag is Death Height, same as my username on here. I will eventually be posting some of my creations, and I hope to play many games with you all.
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Kill-Steal Guru
Dec 30, 2012
Welcome Curtis! I hope as a New Englander you're as pumped about the Patriots playing tomorrow as I am! We are all big custom games fans here so you've definitely come to the right place. Check out the Upcoming Games section to see all of the Custom Lobbies people are planning on hosting and to host your own if you want. When you're done making your maps make sure to post them in the Halo 4 Maps section so we can all check them out! If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any of the other staff members!