Introduction Hello everyone!


May 3, 2013
Australia N.S.W.
Hi everybody my name is Emanuel I am 16 and I live in Australia NSW. My Xbox Live gamer tag is Simmons4U and as you might of guest I am a Red vs. Blue fan, I love Halo and I enjoy playing anything really, competitive games, casual games and I also love the Halo universe so if anybody is interested I would be fine with playing any of the Halo campaigns, as long as there is no lag, I hate lag!!!
On a more dignified tone my favorite colure is blue which might seem a bit odd because I named myself after Simmons who is on Red Team, but the reason why I did that is because I am kind of like him, not in the sense that I am a cyborg but rather relating to his personality. Well that’s about all I have to say, I hope to see all of you amazing individuals on the virtual battlefield. Until then, go well and goodbye!