Introduction Hello everybody and fellow Halo fans


Sep 12, 2013
I'm not to sure what to right so I'll keep it simple I guess

Things I like
  • Halo (all of em, but wars haven't played it)
  • Two steps from hell
  • Skyrim
  • Minecraft
  • Immediate Music
  • Xbox One FTW
  • Australians
Things I don't like
  • COD (origins is pretty good but the games have become worse and worse recently)
  • Macintosh computers
  • Flat Batteries
  • no food in the fridge :)
  • people who put others down cus they think their cool (when they're actually pretty gay)
  • Americans (lol jokes :) )
I enjoyed custom games since halo 3 and I saw a THFE void advertising the site so I thought hey that's a cool idea and here I am.
Favourite gametypes are BTB and dominion at the moment
So yeah have the fun time