Competitive Halodrome

Maximus IL

Aug 19, 2013
Halodrome (version 1.2) - A coliseum-inspired map designed for Ricochet and other objective games. Also plays FFAs and slayer.


Description: Halodrome is the bigger brother of Minidrome, designed for the 343i Ricochet Forge Contest. There are four primary routes between the bases: upper, lower, and each side. Both sides directly connect to upper mid and lower mid, allowing the routes to be used in different combinations. All ball spawns occur along the midline of...

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Maximus IL

Aug 19, 2013
Nah, I made this one way before Thermopylae. Thermopylae took me a long time to do.

By the way, it plays CTF unlike what most people are used to. The action is pretty much non-stop and, if the teams are fairly even, scoring takes a good deal of coordination (or misdirection) for 2-flag. Some people who played CTF on it really liked it. Those who did not wanted more cover in no-man's land between mid and the bases. However, that was a deliberate choice. I don't intend to change that because I like that it's not another Ragnarok or Exile. It's fast-paced like Abandon, but without the clutter and spawn issues. It's symmetric, so neither team gets a geometry advantage. And it doesn't have Simplex's protective ring that gives the carrier a free pass to his base once he gets to the halfway point.

Neutral flag is actually a better CTF gametype on this one than 2-flag. The games don't end in 30 seconds, and you can't camp the flag for very long, since everyone heads to top mid after spawn.

But the game I like the best on it is Ricochet. The people who tested it with me (even the ones who didn't like CTF) agreed that Ricochet plays well (standard Ricochet - I've not played shotgun on it).

By the way, I'm noodling over some ways to fix Thermopylae, but keep it 4v4. It might actually work. But I've got to reforge significant portions of the map. As a side benefit, I think the reforge will simplify blue to prevent the framerate issue you noted.