Halo Halo 5 Vehicle Wishes- New, Old, or Both?

What past or new vehicles do you wish to see in Halo 5 Multiplayer?

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Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
One point I would like to make, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the banshee sort of have homing missiles, albeit not as powerful as the hornets. So rather than getting rid of the hornets missiles why not nerf them to a level more similar to the banshees.
Because then banshee vs hornet, would become passengers seats vs boost and dodge, not flying aircraft killer vs aircraft.

I think that's why people have been suggesting removing the homing from the rockets.
I still think that the Falcon would be better than bringing back the Hornet, provided the Falcon is like the ones from the New Alexandria mission, only with a weaker forward mounted turret.

However If a new class of promethean arrives, which would rock, maybe a more human promethean, then I see no reason why we could not usher in a new age of promethean vehicles with marvellous speed the like of which we have never ridden before...
I think that Promethean vehicles aren't likely to happen, for the reason that, as you said, they can teleport, but also because they are the Ur-Didact's personal army. He's dead, so it's likely that the Prometheans aren't going to reappear.

Forerunner vehicles on the other hand, are a huge possibility.
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Apr 16, 2013
I think that's why people have been suggesting removing the homing from the rockets.
I still think that the Falcon would be better than bringing back the Hornet, provided the Falcon is like the ones from the New Alexandria mission, only with a weaker forward mounted turret
Definitely, a campaign style falcon would be better than a hornet. So long as the turret was nerfed slightly and it had passengers seats. If not both gunners turrets and passengers seats could also be on a single falcon. then they should have it like thy do with the warthogs where you can choose which variety you want.
Either gunners or passengers as both would be useful for different maps and gametypes.
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:poke::pusheen: Interesting I would love to see finally boat type craft for unsc or even the hornet we gamers need a unsc air craft we deserve it and it makes no sense without it :( further more its likely the unsc boat/hovercraft will be included as of there being previous sketch designs for it in halo reach but didn't unfortuantly make the cut ;( however I do think 343 are planning on adding a unsc dirt bike type mongoose :y:
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Apr 16, 2013
:poke::pusheen: Interesting I would love to see finally boat type craft for unsc or even the hornet we gamers need a unsc air craft we deserve it and it makes no sense without it :( further more its likely the unsc boat/hovercraft will be included as of there being previous sketch designs for it in halo reach but didn't unfortuantly make the cut ;( however I do think 343 are planning on adding a unsc dirt bike type mongoose :y:

A bike would be good however whats your evidence that they are making it? Secondly just because a vehicle is sketched it does not mean it will be made. eg there was a halo 4 advert poster with falcons in the background. I would like a boat im just saying that old concept art doesn't guarantee it will be made.
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A bike would be good however whats your evidence that they are making it? Secondly just because a vehicle is sketched it does not mean it will be made. eg there was a halo 4 advert poster with falcons in the background. I would like a boat im just saying that old concept art doesn't guarantee it will be made.
I never said its guaranteed even I know that I just think it would be a good Idea if 343 gave something back to the halo community by adding such things.
Not 100% guaranteed to happen but worth the look:
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Edit- The halo 4 falcons in the poster where originally going to be in the game. If you did not know this it was due to it not making to the final cut.There are little clues in the game pointing out that it was going to be in the game such as when setting map vehicles you have a choice of such things as wraith,mantis,unsc,ghost,mongoose and so on but one says air crafts instead of just banshee which they forgot to change as originally it was going to be a falcon or something else. :wakko:


BIOC Leader, Flood Guru
Jan 1, 2013
I would prefr a hornet to a falcon.
Reason 1
The hornet is/was smaller and so easier to fit into maps.
That's what the Banshee's for.
Reason 2
Rather than having two gunners seats the hornet had passengers seats meaning that it could be used to transport flag carriers etc.

I kind of agree on that, but they can also just work on a specialized version of the Falcon. Like the Transport Warthog we saw in Halo 3's campaign. (They should bring that one back, by the way.)
Reason 3
As the hornets weapons are operated by the pilot, like the banshee, if you end up stuck with a team of noobs you can still put up a decent fight, whereas with the falcon you either had to wait around for passengers or fly around helpless until you got boarded plasma'd etc.
That's what the Banshee's for.
Reason 4
Yes the hornet was a bit op in halo 3 but now the plasma is better and you get to spawn with one if you want, I'm sure the hornet would become toned down and easier to kill in the sae way that the banshee has.

Applies for Falcon as well.

I agree on the boats. :p

No but in all seriousness, I think they should simply bring back both. Although as you can tell, I would prefer the Falcon for the same reasons as why the Warthog is actually my favorite vehicle in the whole Halo universe: Necessarity of teamwork.
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Apr 16, 2013
That's what banshee's for.

I kind of agree on that, but they can also just work on a spehalo vized version of the Falcon. Like the Transport Warthog we saw in Halo 3's campaign. (They should bring that one back, by the way.)

That's what the Banshee's for.

Applies for Falcon as well.

I agree on the boats. :p

No but in all seriousness, I think l, I would prefer the Falcon for the same reasons as why the Warthog is actually my favorite vehicle in the whole Halo universe: Necessarity of teamwork.

I get what you are saying about the falcon working and the hornet being basically the same as the banshee.
thats why i want a hornet in halo v, it gave the oppurtunity to make maps where the vehicles are completely even whilst being from two different sides of a war, something which gives the option to make great aesthetics without having to worry about balancing. Whereas the falcon is as different to the banshee as the warthog is to the ghost. This doesn't make the falcon bad it just means that i think we should have a hornet, regardless of whether or not we also have a falcon, in the same way that i would like the revenant or an equivalent.

What i guess im saying is that while a wide variety of vehicle styles IS nice, It can also be nice to have similar vehicles.

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Apr 16, 2013
:insane:Transport hog is indeed a good idea. I likey :y:

I 100 percent agree, i also think that there should be an alien (covenant/forerunner/promethean) transport vehicle, ie one with passenger seats, even if just as simple as a moongoose type vehicle
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Jul 28, 2013
Dang, haven't checked this in forever and this forum has blown up from last time I checked. Lots of good ideas, I especially like the hovercraft. Something else I've thought of was what if they had space\air battles like in Star Wars: Battlefront 2? It'd be lots of fun to play in my opinion, it was my favorite gametype on Battlefront 2. There could be options like you could choose who you play as, like Human, Covenant, Flood, and Forerunner. For the Forerunner team, you could play as the different Promethean types from the campaign, and Flood you'd have a fleet of infected ships being controlled by the Gravemind, which you can kill to win faster. What would you guys think of that?
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