Halo 4 Ninja Montage - Opinions appreciated


Online Knight
Feb 20, 2013
Hey guys,

I just thought I would post this quick thread here to see if anyone would be willing to perhaps give me some feedback on something. When I started out on youtube, I was a big fan of making montages, but I've kind-of let that take a back seat in favor of map reviews in the past few months.

Anyways, I made this montage based around clips of my friend and channel teammate Tikitorch25623 doing ninjas in Halo 4, because god knows I can't pull them off, and I was hoping that I could perhaps get some of the community's opinions on how I did. I'm not too certain if I want to keep pursuing it if people don't enjoy it, but perhaps if the reception is good I could begin to make community montages.

Basically, what I'm asking is, please leave me your thoughts either in this thread or in the comments on the video on what you think. Your opinions are appreciated! Thanks!

Jan 22, 2013
Awesome video man, I love doing these but it's so easy to mess up and just get assassinated and look like a idiot lol. This is like cod is trick shooting but way cooler, you should try different stunts and add in spins and stuff lol


Jan 20, 2013
Clips: 10/10. It must have taken these guys a while - none of the opponents I face on Matchmaking are this inattentive! Of course being a ninja helps with that. Props to the players!
Camera: 8/10. Could have used a few more integrated clips, not just replays. Otherwise smooth and interesting.
Music: 7/10. Nice an smooth, nothing outrageous or special for that matter.
Transitions: N/A. It was pretty much clip-after-clip with little in-between.
AV-Sync: N/A. Some montages pair up the music with the video. Could have been more interesting.
Effects/Color Correction: N/A. I can understand kinda, as Halo players aren't used to the dressed-up montages that are found in other games. You can always consider it, though - I find some maps just need that extra boost.