Introduction Halo 3 Enthusiast Here

Jun 9, 2014
Hey, I have owned Halo 3 ever since the beginning of the year of 2008, when I got my xbox 360. My dad bought me Halo 3 and it was the best day of my xbox life! Lately, I have always been remembering the Halo 3 days and how much fun they were. I'd take Halo 3 over any other Halo for multiplayer. All I ever played was Custom Games. A bunch of friends and I would matchmake a game just so we could invite the people from the game to a custom game lobby so we could get a full lobby. We would play those games everyone loves, such as Ice cream man, Omega Journey, and classic infection where zombies run fast and die fast. For the lobbies I will host, the maps that will mainly be used are Sandtrap (default map), Sandbox (DLC), Foundry (FREE DLC!), and Rats Nest (FREE DLC!). There might be other maps we'll use or just other popular forge maps I cannot think of right now. I hope you all can welcome me to the community of Halo Customs, and I hope to stay for a while!