Halo Halo 2- truly the best?

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Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
Any half talented reject can rack up awesome k/d ratios by abusing these inherently imbalanced loadout options.
Nope. You can argue that anyone can rack up a ton of kills in Halo 4, but earning a high K/D means that you are more skilled than other players. You're killing them and they're not killing you- it's impossible for everyone on the battlefield to have a high K/D at the same time.

Even if the reason behind it is because you're better with AAs than them, it still shows a higher skill level.
Dec 30, 2012
Nope. You can argue that anyone can rack up a ton of kills in Halo 4, but earning a high K/D means that you are more skilled than other players. You're killing them and they're not killing you- it's impossible for everyone on the battlefield to have a high K/D at the same time.

Even if the reason behind it is because you're better with AAs than them, it still shows a higher skill level.

Of course not every one IN THE SAME GAME can have high K/D's. No effin shit.


Your failure to grasp simple concepts leaves me exhausted. I can not fathom such sheer levels of ignorance, so I'll put this as politely as possible. Please remove yourself from the gene-pool at the earliest convenience. Thank you.
May 15, 2013
its pretty simple to understand, its to do with skill in the execution. with AA and sprint there is no skill involved because the game does the job for you, you're applying any individual skill aspect to acquire the advantage that you are given. without them its about aim, map positioning and teamwork which the game does not perform for you but you have to perform off the skill you put into it.

this whole discussion is pretty mind numbing as well.

Skyward Shoe

Platinum in Destiny
Dec 24, 2012
Redmond, Washington
Let's try to tone things down a bit.

Here's the thing, you can technically be good at abusing AA's to get a high K/D, but that doesn't make it right. Using AA's to get kills is easier to do than using your wits to know where your opponents are, with what weapons, and position yourself accordingly. This takes more skill to pull off than spawning with active camo, finding a nice corner, getting kills on unsuspecting passersby, and occasionally moving. The reason people do not like these abilities is that they took the old things you did to be good (playing smart, watching other players movements, thinking carefully about your own movements, controlling important positions/ weapons, etc...) and threw them out the window. Suddenly, these things were all less important than they used to be, as using the AA's got you more kills anyway, and more easily. Many players boycott these systems when they play for this very reason. It's the same reason I don't use Supers when I play Destiny PvP. Those systems devalue the old systems that took more skill to execute, thereby making the entire game less skill based.

Now, I've heard it argued that "why doesn't everyone just use these systems." This issue is something that Schnitzel brought up earlier: it makes it nearly impossible to predict what the enemy might do. When every player has access to the same weapons and abilities off spawn (something they are doing in Halo 5) players can have a reasonable chance of predicting what they will do with those items. You can also watch another players movements and say with reasonable certainty what weapons/ pickups they will have at what time. Having load outs with different abilities and weapons breaks that, because players have no way of knowing what the other player will spawn with. Now, this makes little difference if the choices are very similar, such as choosing between a BR, a magnum, and 2 frags or a Carbine ,Magnum, and 2 Frags. But when weapons with very different ranges, such as DMR and Light Rifle are introduced, or abilities, players can no longer have a good chance of predicting what an enemy might have, so they cannot prepare for an encounter by making smart decisions. Do you see how this breaks the whole system? When both players know that they spawned with the same weapons and abilities, they state to strategize about what weapons/ pickups they may have gained based on where it looks like they were at on the map, what weapons were up, and then they can try to predict where they may have spawned, what route they likely took, and can try to position themselves accordingly. On the flip side, if a player cannot tell what abilities/ weapons the other player has before an encounter, both players are now going into the fight relatively blind. They can still try to make predictions on some things, but now players are facing the potential for complete unknowns in every encounter.

This is why equal starts matter. Players who have been practicing for years, who are very smart in predicting on the fly where another player went and what they might be doing were suddenly told in Reach that their skills were not as important as they used to be. The skills it took them years to hone were being replaced by unpredictable abilities, that new players were going to be able to beat them in a matter of days because skill with Armor Abilities was more important than skill understanding other players movements/ controlling the map. That's not ok. You might like using Camo to sneak around the map and kill people who can't see you. Fact is, so do I. I have a very sneaky play style myself. I recognize, however, that if I'm going to be invisible and other players are not, I should have to work for it and earn it. It's a benefit that makes it easier for me to play the way I like to, so I should have to demonstrate skill and smarts if I'm going to get that benefit.
Dec 30, 2012
Then why is it that I can do it so much better than everyone else? It certainly ain't luck.

I never said said LUCK. Pull your head out from your ass please and thank you.

Here, let's paint a picture. It can be paint by numbers to match your intelligence here. We'll paint a picture of everyone spawning with the same loadout as you, say Active Camo. What do you think will happen? Especially when you get stomped on when playing EVEN LOADOUT in Classic Halo.

I'll tell you what. The game will be extremely slow, extremely boring, and everyone that can out-shoot you in classic Halo will still wipe the floor with your retarded ass.

If you don't like Halo, go play another game. Don't try to pollute a game that's probably older than you.


Jan 11, 2013
I'm disappointed, honestly. How could something as simple as a misguided opinion escalate into an argument fueled by insults and stupidity? Why is it so difficult to just have a neutral discussion without resorting to flaming? So what if the other party doesn't agree with your opinion? Move on. It's as simple as that.

I'm locking this thread. Congratulations to all those involved.
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