Introduction Greetings


Apr 22, 2013
Where Gods Fear To Tread
This is DeadlockDrago17, just saying I'm new here, and don't know where to start or with who.
I like to do racing, infection (classic halo 3/reach), and mini games, but will do others like slayer and objectives. I do some forging from time to time, but I'm waiting for a more customizable infection before i can put my ideas into motion.
So if any1 would care to help out a "noob" on this site, i'd like the help and get to know every1.

Rule #1: have a good time.
the shoutbox and talking to the community is always good. you can access that by clicking forum up top. On the same page on the left game that are currently being, or soon will be, played can be seen. You can also create a game if none are there by clicking the customs tab up on the top or scrolling to the create a game link below the shout box. Overall getting to know the community by talking, playing games, and contributing to forum discussions.
I know I wouldn't, and if you rated them good I'm sure they would be more grateful. some lobby's give preference to those that have been joining games for a long time but no one limits there lobbies to friends. after all this site is all about filling lobbies.