Mar 31, 2013
High Charity
Gamertag: x GUANO LOCO x.

Origin of gamertag: I've been through several of least 5 or 6 and this one just really stuck with me. Got the idea from the saying...Bat Yoink! Crazy. Anyway that's my GT. Plus, it's really the only way I could think of getting away with it LEGALLY on XBL ha, ha.

Previous or current clan/community: Not really in any 'Legit' clans so to speak.

Favorite map, game type and playlist: I have a lot of favorite maps, from default on- disk maps to the user created variants of forge . There is nothing like all that 16 player chaos provided you have TEAM WORK and Call Outs!

Least favorite map, game type and playlist: EXILE. I can actually say that I hate that map with a passion. And I don't really have any game types that I do not prefer.

Preferred control scheme: RECON.

Halo playing style (offense, defense, sniper, driver, etc.): Normally it depends on the game type...If it calls for defense or offense like CTF or Assault, then I stay in/at the base and provide defense. Normally though I'm right in the thick of things. I take control of a vehicle if it calls for it and will Snipe if I get my hands on the rifle.

Favorite Halo character: Thel 'Vadum. Hoping to see him return to action in the new Halo Trilogy in the coming years.

Favorite Halo book: CONTACT HARVEST by Joseph Staten! Poor Dadab :[

Favorite Halo quote: "Your destruction is the will of the Gods and we are their instrument."

Halo creations: I do SOME forging, mainly symmetrical maps. 16 to 8 Players.

Other stuff!

Other game(s) you are currently playing: Minecraft, Tomb Raider, Battlefield 3 and Halo 4.

Favorite music: Pretty Much everything and anything that sounds sweet.

Favorite movie: Too Many to List!

Favorite TV show: LOST.

Favorite quote: "He who laughs last, laughs loudest."