Introduction Greetings, I'm not really new.


Jan 10, 2013
Chiron TL-34
Hiiiii. I'm Socfuz. I've been here since almost the beginning of Halo Customs and even when THFE first started. I haven't done much on here, not really the talking type I guess. More of the sporadically say something meaningful, helpful, or random type. I live in Virginia. My favorite color is blue. When not playing video games I do other stuff. I'm in a bowling league. My highest game to date is 277 with nine strikes in a row. But it was during practice so fml. I'm working on some maps in Halo Reach right now and planning to study chemistry and law next year in college. And for those of you wondering, Professional Idiot Consultant basically means I tell people their stupid. Still trying to figure out how to make money out of it though. Anyway, that's basically it for me. Peace out m8 don't h8!