Introduction Greetings fellow comrades

Evolved Gamer

Jun 12, 2013
hello, bonjour, hola, hallo, dia i know that at least 5 people who speak those languages understood that i said hello, lol.

Now that my introducing statement is concluded; lets get down to business. Here are a few things that you should know about me:

1. Age: ???..............I think i'll just leave this one blank for a while until i remember how old I am......just kidding; I am 17 years old and i am a Halo fan. I have only played Halo 4, Halo 1, and Halo:eek:DST so far but I still know the entire story of Halo without playing the other games. I know All of the story because I have a friend who has played all of the Halo games in the series. His Gamer tag is SogenSamurai and he is a Halo forger as well. He is the one who first introduced me to the Halo series and is the one who helped me get better at forging maps.(watching HaloForgeEpedemic helped out a lot as well)

2.My Xbox 360 gamer tag is Evo1ved Gamer and I am a Halo 4 forger who creates competitive, flood, and sometimes mini game maps.

3. I am a aesthetic forger. So that means that I like to add a lot of detail to my maps to make it feel more realistic.

4. I don't mind modded game types/player traits being used in custom maps. But using mods/bots in multiplayer matchmaking is something that I hate.( Its those people who use those mods/bots that will eventually lead me to stop playing on matchmaking games entirely )

5. Forging maps is a hobby of mine, not a profession. So don't expect to see 1 or 2 maps every week. I am more likely to post, at the most, 2 maps a month. There are two reasons behind this. One, like i said before, is because this is my hobby, not my profession. The second reason is because I tend to put a lot of thought into the map. this includes map layout, theme/mood, and most importantly, game-play.

I'm hoping to get my maps seen more now that I have finally decided to get an account on this site. But beggars can be choosers. At the very least I will be able to look at some awesome maps that other people have forged and posted on here.
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Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
english, french, spain, german aaaaand?
nice intro, welcome to HC! any questions?
you sound like a very reasonable person and a great forger, have you submitted a map yet?